Learn How To Safely Detox From Alcohol

Detoxing from alcohol can be the most difficult part of addiction to overcome. Crestwyn can ensure you or your loved one that the detoxification process will be both safe and comfortable.

First Step to Recovery

Detox: The First Step To Recovery

Those who have developed an addiction to alcohol hardly ever started drinking with the intention of becoming trapped within a fatal pattern of alcohol abuse. However, if someone begins drinking beer, liquor, or wine regularly and/or in greater amounts, an addiction to this substance can develop. For those who are grappling with this type of problem, each area of his or her life can easily become negatively impacted, and the ability to put an end to one’s drinking on his or her own can be nearly impossible.

For many, being able to suddenly cease poor drinking behaviors is possible, but most people who are struggling with an alcohol addiction require professional help. As time moves on and one’s drinking continues, tolerance can occur, which can require the individual to consume more and more of his or her drink of choice in greater amounts and more frequently. Before long, the individual’s body becomes used to the presence of alcohol and cannot function without it. When this happens, it shows that the individual has developed a chemical dependency and will experience a number of painful physical and psychological symptoms when the drinking stops.

However, if an individual decides that he or she wants to stop his or her alcohol abuse, there are treatment options available. Of those that exist, a residential treatment that includes detoxification (or detox) services is one of the most effective options for care that can change the lives of those who are addicted to alcohol. Aside from the many benefits that residential treatment can provide, detox services are able to encourage a patient to achieve all of his or her goals for recovery. With this type of intervention, the pain and upset that can accompany ending an addiction to alcohol can be decreased and can set the groundwork for a successful experience in treatment.

Long-Term Benefits

Long-term benefits of detox for Alcohol Addiction

When not under the care of certified professionals, those who are addicted to alcohol and suddenly stop their alcohol use are more likely to pick up drinking again. When mental health and environmental factors go ignored, and cravings and withdrawal symptoms set in, the idea of getting sober can become a distant desire.

However, by partaking in care that provides detox services, the following can be obtained:

  • The risk for relapse becomes less, as treatment centers do not allow patients to obtain alcohol or other mind-altering substances while in their care.
  • The ability to think clearly is restored, which helps individuals focus on all areas of recovery.
  • Cravings to drink are lessened.
  • Physical withdrawal symptoms are minimized.
  • The risks that come along with continued alcohol abuse are dramatically decreased.
  • The patient’s health improves as alcohol is cleared from his or her body.

In addition, those participating in detox are closely supervised by professionals to protect their wellbeing. Nurses, nurse practitioners, and doctors are able to ensure that all services offered are safe and effective in helping patients achieve positive outcomes.

Failing to obtain treatment including detox can be catastrophic for one who is grappling with alcohol addiction. As soon as an individual ends his or her drinking, withdrawal can occur, which can cause substance abuse to begin again. When this happens, one’s drinking is likely to get more severe, as his or her efforts to alleviate withdrawal symptoms might lead him or her to drink in excess. Ingesting large amounts of liquor, beer, or wine can be deadly to one’s health and can cause an overdose.

Also referred to as alcohol poisoning, an overdose occurring after an individual has consumed too much alcohol can be fatal. Additionally, many other health issues can occur which can stand in the way of allowing one to live a healthy, productive life. Therefore, it is vital to consider treatment including detox to avoid these consequences and risks.

At Crestwyn, we know that recovery and healing are possible for even the most addicted individuals. We know that we can help, as our quality residential treatment center provides detox services, along with proven effective treatments and the support of a committed and experienced staff. If you or someone you care for is ready to make an alcohol addiction a thing of the past, do not hesitate to reach out to us right now.

This was the best place I could have ever chosen to go get help at! Unlike other behavioral health places in the Memphis area, Crestwyn is a very nice facility staffed with the kindest and most helpful people ever!

– Former Patient